#HelloWorld, I'm AnnaNaiya.
{Dictated by Mommy, because mom's rule-and type faster}
Hello world! I'm the one and only AnnaNaiya Parker. So, in order to 'maximize my SEO' (whatever that may be) We're adding a Blog spot onto my page. When ever something awesome happens, and we get it on camera,I'll add it to my AnnaNaiya's world website. Next up is back to school, 5th grade in effect! This is gonna be so EPIC! For now Check out my videos, gallery and let me know how you enjoyed your summer, fun stuff you did, and what'd you like to see me post about in the future :)
My EPIC List:
Kalahari ( haven't been yet. But it looks killer. If you've been let me know what to do there)
Sea Life Aquarium- Manta Ray tank is EPIC
Fishing at home on Ford Lake
[Bike] Riding Willow Metro park and Lower Huron with Grandpa Turner
HorseBack riding
Lifetime Fitness- indoor and outdoor fun. Plus they have camps and activities all YEAR
Trail Walks- Kennsington Park
Hot Air Balloon riding (Stay tuned for that adventure in the Fall)
Renaissance Festival [coming soon]- Don't forget to dress up, cause Halloween is too far away and grab a Turkey leg, yum!
Ideas on how to live it up? Please share in the comments below!